"Brighter Together" Projection Mapping with UVA

"Brighter Together" Projection Mapping with UVA

This spring, we’re honored to be part of the University of Virginia’s “Brighter Together” project, presented by UVA Arts, the Office of the Provost and Vice Provost for the Arts, and the Division of Student Affairs!

Architectural projection mapping display at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia using Panasonic projectors

As part of the support team for this project, we’re helping to light up the sky with several pop-up projection mapping shows & installations displayed on UVA’s most iconic buildings! 

We’ll be using our favorite Panasonic laser projectors to highlight the iconic architecture on UVA’s Grounds, and to bring some playful, uplifting, & vibrant artwork to life! 

These displays will feature the artwork of local artist Jeff Dobrow, whose work has been projection mapped on many buildings and parks in Charlottesville, and will include elements of student-made videos, artwork from around the Grounds, and music!

All of the shows are free to the public, and each show includes two nights of projection starting after dusk and playing on loop for four hours so that viewers can stop by at different times. (COVID-19 protocols will be in place.)

Bright colorful projection mapping display at University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia using Panasonic projectors

The upcoming projection locations include:

  • April 2-3: The Rotunda

  • April 16-17: Cocke Hall

  • April 30-May 1: McIntire Amphitheater

  • May 14-15: Madison Hall

We hope that these installations act as a small bright spot in a difficult year, and that they’ll lift the spirits of those who experience them. 

Learn more about the project here!

Why Go Hybrid?

Why Go Hybrid?

Want a way to present to your team that’s more professional than Zoom?

Want to host a small team in person, with the option to reach & interact with a wider audience at the same time?

Simply can’t get your whole team in one room, but still want an elevated environment to host your next big event from?

Things are slowly starting to open back up. But until popular travel methods are safer, it’s going to remain hard to assemble our teams fully in person.

Thankfully, we’ve found several solutions to this problem, the biggest one being:

hybrid events

Our hybrid event model combines live streaming technology & apps with in-person video production - either in a studio or at an event venue - all tied up in a done-for-you package complete with elevated, conference-worthy staging and professional production management to keep your event running smooth as silk.

Take a look behind the scenes of one of our recent hybrid events:


Introducing: EventMobi

Introducing: EventMobi

As current events progress and the state of public health remains uncertain, it looks like virtual events will be here to stay for a while longer. Even beyond Covid-19, we may find that hybrid events are more popular than ever, giving attendees the choice to participate in person or to engage virtually from the comfort and convenience of their homes & remote offices.  

So, in order to provide more comprehensive support for these types of events, we’re partnering up with EventMobi!


EventMobi is an event app platform that provides tools to cover the entire timeline of an event. Designed to accommodate both large and small events - from internal training sessions to large-scale virtual conferences - their platform allows you to create a highly customized event app that provides a fully integrated & engaging experience for your attendees. 


Here’s a list of some of the available features:

  • Virtual event space for both desktop and mobile

  • Gated access based on ticket type

  • Social media dashboard

  • Virtual exhibitor booths

  • Video roundtables/breakouts

  • Engagement features like polls, surveys, Q&As, and games

  • 1:1 chat opportunities for attendees to be able to network

  • Targeted push notifications

At this point, you might be thinking, “Cool! This all sounds great, but how on earth would I integrate this into MY event? Where would I even start with managing all of the tech? And how do I manage all of these functions & features and make sure that our event comes off smoothly??"

Well, that’s where we come in! As your event producers & facilitators, our team can help you use this technology to streamline your event - making it feel more immersive, more organic, and more seamless than an IT team ever could. We also offer pre-recording sessions, for speakers who want more control over their delivery.

Want to learn more?
Reach out to us and we’ll be happy to walk through your options with you!