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Charlottesville Weddings

Thank You Boar's Head!

Thank You Boar's Head!

As the 4th of July approaches we're still busy doing audio visual installation projects all over Charlottesville! 

This week, we would like to thank The Boar's Head for choosing us to install new sound systems for the Spa, Old Mill Room Restaurant, the Bistro, and the reception area. We partnered with Bose Professional on the equipment and DMX to provide a music subscription that is perfect for each space. The next time you're there, be sure to take a listen!

In addition to this project, we also spend a lot of time at The Boar's Head each day as we are the preferred audio visual and lighting provider for conferences and events that take place on the property.

Thank you Boar's Head for choosing The AV Company for all of your audio visual needs!

Small Speakers. Big Sound.

Small Speakers. Big Sound.

Picture This: You're at a wedding ceremony or conference for work where you can hear perfectly AND there is no large speaker blocking your view of the bride or presenter. Doesn't happen very often does it? Well, our featured product this week makes it very possible. Meet the Bose L1 which is available for rental from The AV Company.

Believe it or not, the small speaker you see below is a unique, all-in-one system that delivers clear, powerful sound throughout small and medium-sized venues for up to 500 people. Because it's made by Bose, the sound is even no matter where you are in the room and it eliminates the need for conventional monitors, mixers and PA systems in most cases.

Contact us today to reserve the Bose L1 for your wedding, event or conference!

Sneak Peek...

Sneak Peek...

We are in the middle of a super busy week - it seems like everyone needs some type of sound or lighting in Charlottesville! Here is a quick preview of some wedding lighting that we did at a private home in Madison, VA this weekend. Congratulations to Zach & Katie and thank you for choosing The AV Company to provide lighting and sound (and a TV so you didn't miss the Redskins game!) for your wedding weekend.

Skyline Tent Company's beautiful clear tent looks great day & night!