Virtual and hybrid events require specialized technology to execute. So we’re bringing in the best there is to offer!

To give our clients the best hybrid and virtual event experience, we are working with Event Mobi and Bizzabo platforms to ensure that your thoughtful, high quality content can easily engage your audience.  

If you’re not familiar with these platforms yet, here’s a quick overview:

Event Mobi & Bizzabo are “end-to-end” event management platforms, meaning they provide a fully customizable online home for your virtual or hybrid event, with features to support you at every step along the way. From event registration, to video integration, to virtual networking and interactive sessions, and even supporting event sponsors & displaying ads in creative ways - these platforms have a streamlined solution for everything.

Our teams work together to create seamless virtual events with exciting features like live polling, breakout sessions, social networking, gaming, and more! These platforms also allow us to track analytics and obtain detailed reporting on how your attendees interact with event content.

We’re committed to helping you keep your events on track, in whatever way is safest for you.

And by partnering with the teams behind best platforms in the biz, we’re bringing you the best of all worlds.